Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Inexpensive Car Insurance - Six Secrets

I learned a lesson about inexpensive car insurance when I was younger: Insurance agents lie. I would love to be able to say this is rare, but my experience tells me it is depressingly common. Apart from lying, they just won't tell you some things you need to know to save money.

Car insurance was just a legal requirement as far as I was concerned. I didn't have valuable cars when I was young, and I had no assets to protect from lawsuits. All I wanted was the minimum legal coverage needed to be on the road. I always made this very clear to my insurance agents, using many rephrasings, like "Just what the law requires, and nothing more," just to be sure they understood.

I assumed that this minimum was what my insurance company was giving me. Only after paying the premiums for many years did I learn that they had lied. I didn't have the most inexpensive car insurance policy, as they claimed. They gave me not the minimum coverage required by law, but their own "company minimum." I was pissed off.

I went to other insurance companies and they tried to do the same thing, passing off their own normal liability policies as the state-mandated minimum requirements. Only when I pushed would they provide the policy that I wanted - as long as I signed more paperwork, acknowledging that I was "under-insured." That was fine. I had no assets to protect at the time (Having few assets means you're less of a target for a lawsuit).

The bottom line is that by commission and omission, you will likely be lied to by insurance agents. I overpaid by hundreds of dollars over those years, because of one such lie. Now you know what to watch for if you just want a basic liability policy. Here are some other things you should know about getting inexpensive car insurance.

Secrets Of Inexpensive Car Insurance

- Get several quotes, of course. The important part here, though, is to be sure that each quote is for the same thing. Write down and compare the specific policy limits, deductible and a other parts of the policy.

- Review your policies annually. Ask for a policy review and get new quotes every year or so. Suppose that speeding ticket you had is past the three year mark (or whatever the company guideline is). They will often "forget" to drop the rate, so you may need to remind them.

- Take the kids off your policy. If your kids are at a college that's more than 100 miles away, you can have them taken off the insurance policy and save a lot of money. You can't let them drive the car when they come home to visit though.

- Raise your deductible. You will always get more inexpensive car insurance with higher deductibles. Plan to pay the first $1,000 of that accident if it happens someday. In the meantime, you may save far more in premiums over those years.

- Drop collision coverage. Once the value of your car is below a certain amount (an amount you can afford to lose), drop the collision coverage. It doesn't make sense to pay out thousands over a few years to insure a car that is worth just a few thousand.

- Ask about special discounts you might be eligible for. Non-smoker discounts, car/home policy discounts, and others are a possibility. Ask what discounts you may be eligible for in the future, too, and remind your agent when the time comes.

-Look at every part of the policy, and don't pay for things you don't need. Ask about anything you don't fully understand. Asking a lot of questions and really understanding the policy is one of the surest ways to get inexpensive car insurance.

Steve Gillman has been hunting down obscure knowledge and useful secrets for years. Learn more, and get a free gift at: http://www.TheSecretInformationSite.comAlameda Blog50425
Alison Blog32463

Choose The Right Operating System

Shared or virtual hosting can be availed on UNIX or Windows platform.

The difference between Window Servers and UNIX operating systems.

Windows Servers:

Windows Servers are developed to accommodate advanced Microsoft applications.

They also integrate back office offerings such as FrontPage, Access and MS SQL and offer specific programming environments such as Active Server Pages (ASP), Visual Basic Scripts, and Cold Fusion, which mainly link database applications to the Web.

They are accessible through GUI-based remote administration packages such as PCA anywhere or through a customized control panel.

These packages allow you to log into the servers desktop as chief administrator only if you have complete control over the server.

Windows hosting is a great alternative for shared and dedicated servers. .NET technology manages and multiplexes Windows servers quite easily.

Windows is also an exceptional operating system to use if you intend to run your own dedicated server.

Windows servers guarantees support, security and integration for the Microsoft family of products. It is advisable to use Windows hosting to link a Microsoft-based service to their Internet hosting requirements.

However, Windows hosting, is complex and labor-intensive and can be used if the webmaster has in-depth experience in maintaining Windows systems. In case the webmaster lacks experience they can choose the UNIX platform.

UNIX platform:

UNIX platform is specially designed to accommodate heavy Web traffic and server loads. UNIX servers are known to host multiple sites and serve out gigabytes of traffic.

The UNIX platform is favored by most webmasters due to their technical advantages.

UNIX servers provide a wider degree of flexibility due to their shell environment. Shell environments are interactive, text-based systems that allow webmasters to interact and customize their services in real-time from any computer system worldwide.

UNIX system can be accessed from any computer connected to the Internet without special or expensive software.

UNIX platform is preferred because of its uptime. UNIX systems with heavy traffic can provide 99 per cent uptime. Windows servers cannot provide good uptime unless specially configured. For this reason, average webmasters should select UNIX as their OS.

For a beginner it is always suitable to use a UNIX hosting system rather then Windows as UNIX has more advantage over Windows as explained above.

This article has been compiled by the content development team at Pegasus InfoCorp which pulls subject matter specialists from different work domains. They can be contacted through the Pegasus InfoCorp website at Pegasus InfoCorp is an India based web design, web development and online/offline software development company. Please visit to read more articles and know more about us!

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 The article is not changed in any manner

 The article is copied as is in its entirety (including back links to the Pegasus InfoCorp website).

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Pegasus InfoCorp (P) Limited ( was formed with a single powerful belief among its two founders that the Internet could enhance and transform businesses in an amazing way. This belief continues to drive us towards our mission of helping discover and implement the best online strategy for businesses, institutions and professionals.Ceil Blog67760
Bobbi Blog92763

Coffee Basics 101 Choosing a Great Coffee!

"I'm searching for a really great cup of coffee -- what variety should I buy?"

I've been asked this question many times over the years and I always provide the same answer -- "That depends!" Early coffee drinkers used to choose their coffee for the caffeine jolt it provided. But times have changed, and in today's world, when choosing a great coffee -- it's all about the taste, and the taste depends on many things.

The taste of a great coffee depends on the climate, soil and cultivation methods involved in the beans' production. Coffee beans contain hundreds of compounds that give them their flavor and aroma. The type of coffee bean you choose, arabica or robusta makes a huge difference in coffee quality and taste. Arabica beans are of a much higher-quality compared to robusta beans, which are normally used as filler for most lower-end coffees. The roasting and brewing process used on the beans can also greatly affect the taste. All of these factors, together, have an enormous impact on coffee taste and quality, and as a result, they do determine whether the coffee is really great or not.

But, I also think that when it comes right down to it, the most important factor that ultimately determines whether a coffee is really great or not is whether you the consumer like it. Not everyone prefers the same characteristics in a coffee; some prefer it light and mellow, while others prefer it heavy and full-bodied. So when asking what variety to buy in order to get a really great cup of coffee, you really have to look at your own personal likes and dislikes in a cup of joe.

Most people, when choosing their cup of preference, weigh the quality of a coffee by its aroma, acidity, flavor and body.

1. The aroma of a coffee is basically one's first impression or "sniff" as the gases released from the brew hit your nose. Words like "earthy," "fruity" and "herby" can be used to describe a coffee's aroma.

2. The acidity of a coffee is the "pleasant sharpness" you taste when you take a gulp (or a sip). Acidity is good in a coffee, in that if it had no acidity, the coffee would taste flat. A low acidity coffee is a pleasant-tasting, mellow coffee, whereas a high acidity coffee is very robust and knocks your socks off!

3. The flavor factor of a coffee is the perception in your mouth of those hundreds of aromatic elements or compounds of the coffee bean. It also refers to any specific taste you notice in the coffee, such as a "nuttiness" or "spiciness."

4. Finally, the body of a coffee is the impression of weight and texture that the coffee leaves in your mouth. This is known as "mouthfeel" and can often be described as "heavy," "watery" or "light."

Coffee comes from three main growing regions of the world: the Americas, Africa, and Asia/Pacific. Each region instills its own distinct characteristics into its coffee. So keeping in mind the four cup characteristics described above, and your own personal likes and dislikes, you can narrow down your search by having a look at some of the characteristics each coffee variety/region has to offer.

The Americas


* Brazil -- smooth, sweet and spicy with hints of allspice and cloves. Complex aroma, mild acidity, medium body. Look for Santos coffees, with Bourbon Santos being the best.

* Colombia -- rich, full aroma, mild with good acidity, sweet caramelly taste, medium body. Look for Excelso and Supremo grades.

* Costa Rica -- the SHB (Strictly Hard Bean) grade has a good aroma, high acidity, and a fine body. The GHB (Good Hard Bean) grade has a good aroma, very good acidity and a good body. Both provide a sweet, smooth cup. Look for Tarrazu.

* Guatemala -- aromatic, a soft mild flavor with a subtle smokiness, heavy body.

* Haiti -- very mellow and flavorful with a mild sweetness, heavy body.

* Hawaii -- the famous Kona coffee has a splendid aroma and is rich with a mellow character. Very flavorful with a hint of cinnamon and cloves, full-bodied.

* Jamaica -- Blue Mountain being the best, it has a delightful aroma, is extremely mellow and sweet-tasting with a full body. High Mountain Supreme comes in second with a medium to sharp acidity and a good body.

* Mexico -- wonderful aroma, sweet, medium acidity, hints of hazelnuts in the flavor, smooth body.

* Nicaragua -- good acidity and mild flavor with a hint of cognac. Look for Matagalpa.

* Panama -- smooth and sweet, good acidity and mild flavor with a heavy body.

* Peru -- good acidity with a mild flavor and excellent body.

* Venezuela -- great aroma, smooth and mellow with low acidity, rich and delicately winey, a little on the sweet side, light body.



* Burundi -- high acidity with a rich strong flavor and good body.

* Ethiopia -- amazing aroma of cinnamon, strawberries and fresh-mown grass, very acidic, winey, pungent, earthy flavors, spicy and complex, full-bodied. Look for Harrar - Longberry and Shortberry, and Yirgacheffe.

* Kenya -- Very fragrant and floral, sometimes winey, a mild coffee with a delicate acid flavor, and a great smoothness.

* Rwanda -- high acidity, strong flavor and good body.

* Tanzania -- rich and mellow with a delicate acidity. Look for peaberry varieties.

* Zaire -- rich, highly acidic, excellent flavor and body. Look for Kivu.



* India -- spicy aroma with hints of cinnamon and cedar, delicate acidity, complex and very rich, full-bodied. Look for Nilgiris and Monsoon Malabar.

* Indonesia -- rich with low acidity, spicy, strong flavor, heavy body - almost syrupy. Look for Sumatra, Celebes or Sulawesi.

* Papua New Guinea -- sweet and full-bodied. Look for Sigri and Koban.

* Yemen -- age old Mocha coffee - uniquely smooth and complex with a bit of sharpness, tremendous flavor, can be winey with cherry notes, heavy body. Look for Mattari or Sunani.

Once you have narrowed down your selection to a choice few, try to purchase some sample sizes and start slurping! You may discover you really enjoy one particular variety, or several different ones. Nothing wrong with having more than one favorite! Nonetheless, once you've found your favorite beans, always purchase them freshly roasted, and make sure to store them properly to maintain their freshness for as long as possible. Even a really great cup of coffee can turn into a dud if the beans were roasted ages ago, or left out to go stale.

Mary E. MacDonald is the owner of The JavaPot, an online tea and coffee shop that offers a premium line of gourmet tea and coffee, with an emphasis on organic products. You will also find more great articles, some unique coffee and tea -related gift items, delicious recipes, and product reviews. Check out The JavaPot at for more details about current whole bean coffee and loose leaf tea offerings.Ashely Blog69989
Buffy Blog58273

Detroit Lions Tickets - An Historic Team Is On The Rise

Although Detroit Lions tickets have not been a hot item in Detroit in recent years due to the teams struggles and the success of the other area professional teams, the Lions appear to be headed for a renaissance. The team made several moves over the past offseason that will most likely pay dividends in the years to come, and well examine each of them below.

A New Head Coach

The Lions have been known in recent years as a team thats basically soft. A teams on-field identity starts with its coach, and the two most recent non-interim coaches, Marty Morningweg and Steve Mariucci, were known as players coaches who were rumored to have created a country club atmosphere for the team. Considering the fact that this has been a young team on average, thats not a good environment for learning how to win.

That all changed with the hiring of Rod Marinelli, late of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Marinelli is known as a detail-oriented disciplinarian, and that approach has already had a profound effect on the team. Its always a good sign when players grumble after the first few practices, and thats exactly what happened in Detroit during training camp. This team needed to be whipped into shape, and the players who grew accustomed to the laid-back approach and didnt want to adjust are no longer around. Marinellis team is going to play hard, and theyre going to play physical, tough football.

Trimming the Fat

The maligned Matt Millen has been filling the roster with name players in the draft over the past few years, and these players tended to get the star treatment upon their arrival. When Marinelli arrived, he immediately began to clean house, and underachievers such as Charles Rogers and Joey Harrington were sent packing almost immediately.

This not only rid the team of malcontents who had worn out their welcome with management and the fans, but sent a strong message that those types of antics would no longer be tolerated. Harrington and Rogers were replaced with known worker-bees such as Jon Kitna and Scotty Vines, and although they may not have as much pure physical talent as their predecessors, their diligence and discipline appears to be rubbing off on most of the other players who remain. The message is clear - work hard or work somewhere else. Accountability appears to be back in style in Motown, and thatll please long-suffering Detroit Lions tickets holders as much as any victory.

New Tactical Approaches

Marinelli also hired well as he filled out his staff. On defense, he brought in Defensive Coordinator Donnie Henderson to teach the disciplined, physical Tampa Bay defense, which puts an emphasis on proper positioning, speed and vicious hitting. The read-and-react defense of the past is history, and the Lions have athletes all over the field to make sure this style punishes teams every week.

On offense, Marinelli brought in Mad Scientist Mike Martz, late of the Rams. Martz is known not only for scoring a lot of points with his offensive attacks, but hes also molded several quarterbacks into top-level players. Kurt Warner and Marc Bulger are just the latest examples, and Kitna stands to gain quite a bit by learning from Martz. Kevin Jones has the skills to be a Marshall Faulk-type RB, and the Lions figure to scare opposing defenses for the first time in years.

All in all, the Lions appear to finally be headed in the right direction after years of appearing to have no direction at all. Therefore, get your Detroit Lions tickets now, as theyre going to be hard to find after the team starts to win with regularity.

Written by Jay Nault, sponsored by StubHub sells Detroit Lions tickets:, sports tickets, concert tickets, theater tickets and more to just about any event in the world.Bellina Blog78334
Analise Blog32318

Getting A Credit Card In An Instant

Getting a credit card used to be a time-consuming business. You'd have to ring or go into your bank, fill out a lengthy form and wait for quite a while before you got a reply. Although many people are still using that method, there's now a quicker way, thanks to the Internet.

How Do I Find An Online Credit Card Application?

Most card issuers now offer online application for their credit cards. Finding one is as simple as doing an Internet search or visiting that company's website. In addition, there are several credit card comparison sites that allow users to select cards that match a range of features and then apply. Credit card applicants are required to be UK residents and over 18.

Most online credit card applications now have a summary box which gives details of the rates that apply to purchases, balance transfers and cash advances, the interest free period, fees and charges, how interest is charged and how payments are allocated. There is also a link to the detailed terms and conditions. Once you've read these, it's time to fill in the application form. Here is the information that most credit card applications ask for.

Cardholder's Name And Address

To start with, you will need to give your name. This is usually your full name no hiding that unwanted moniker from the credit card companies. They will also ask about marital status and your date of birth. Credit card companies also ask for your mother's maiden name for security purposes. Applications are only taken from the principal cardholder. This means you can't apply for a credit card on someone else's behalf. However, you can add an additional cardholder at the time of application or later.

You will also need details of your address and postcode. If you have lived at this address less than three years, you will also need to give your previous address and postcode. In essence, you need to show a three year history of where you have lived. Other contact details required include a phone number and an email address.

Home Ownership And Employment

Most companies want to know whether you own or rent your home and some may ask about the size of your mortgage payment. They will also want to know your occupation and employment status. Ideally credit card applicants should be working more than 16 hours a week.

They will also require annual income and bank details, including how long you've been with the bank. Finally, you'll have to list the types of credit cards you already have (Visa, MasterCard, Amex, store cards and so on).

All of these help credit card companies establish what level of credit risk you are and what credit rating you have.

Other Credit Card Services

Many online applications forms offer you the chance to take up additional services such as payment protection insurance, travel insurance, household insurance and much more.

You will also need to have details of any cards that need to be transferred to your new credit card.

Once you've completed all these details, you simply need to wait a short while for a response. Some card issuers respond within a minute. It's worth knowing that there will be some cases where they will ask for additional information before issuing a credit card.

Joe Kenny writes for the Card Guide, offering advice and links to UK credit cards, visit for more top credit cards. Addia Blog62470
Beverlie Blog31768

Careers in Nursing Fields

I'm sorry to say that right now we are running for his low on one of our most valuable occupations. At present, we are experiencing an alarming shortage of trained and licensed nurses to fill the positions that are critical to quality of care for the healthcare consumer. And with an aging population this is becoming a very serious problem.

On every floor in a hospital, nurses are practicing in a wide variety of nursing fields, from an emergency room nurse assessing a heart attack victim, to the nurse that provides education and skill polishing to the whole nursing and medical staff. Nurses were a variety of hats, far removed from what we are all used to seeing in those old movies. Nurses are advocates for their patients, and are greatly responsible for the level of care received by the patient, and their lasting memory of the experience.

Nurses number one priority is the care and treatment of the patient, not what the treatment as to how well they are treated. You can find nurses in so many more places than just hospitals now. The work is extended out in too many facets of everyday life. Nurses can serve in the military, work for public relations firms or health insurance companies, be a school nurse, an entrepreneur, a nurse educator, a home health nurse, a public health nurse, there is no end to how and where nurses can affect others.

Nurses can start out with an entry-level training program and progress through PhD level if so desired. An associate's degree is a two-year registered nurse (RN) program that focuses primarily on the skills that nurses will require when they go out to the field and treat patients. The next level is a four-year degree program that awards a bachelor of science in nursing (BSN). This is obviously in more time-consuming and committed way of going but the extra education is an invaluable. This type of program offers a wider range of learning experiences, in a complete array of healthcare that in both practice and in theory makes is incredibly flexible nurses a godsend. This is exactly the reason that so many registered nurses choose to continue on to receive a BSN.

The growing trend across some of the more prestigious health care institutes is to require that the nurse has a BSN. The next level is a master of science in nursing (MSN) degree. This is ideal for the nurse that has a great deal of experience in the field and like to do even more, for example, nurse anesthetists, nurse practitioners, and nurse administrators. A Ph.D. or doctorates level and nurse can pretty much to whatever is needed short of being a physician themselves.

An entry-level graduate nurse will receive a longer orientation, usually six weeks, and one particular area of the health care facility, usually a doctor's office or hospital. The nurse will work under a graduate license until he or she has studied sufficiently and passes the board test for full RN licensure. You can see this is almost a probationary period to find a house skillful the nurse is.

At the end of the orientation period, the new nurse and supervisor meet to evaluate the nurse's proficiency and to dress in the areas in which the nurse may be lacking. Once the nurse gets by this initial stage and it's really up to them how far they want to go in their new career. The student pondering a career in healthcare should should give a long hard look at the various nursing fields, a holistic approach to provide care and support in an ever changing and progressive field. There are so many nursing fields now that they're surely has to be one that is a perfect fit for you.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning career. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting Blog66276
Abigael Blog1466

It's a Different Game for Trade Show Exhibitors Overseas

Question: Is it better for an American trade show exhibitor to rent a trade show booth abroad if the exhibit hall is in Europe or Asia rather than ship a trade show exhibit from the U.S.?

Answer: Yes. It makes better sense logistically and economically to rent a trade show display in a foreign country where it will be exhibited. Why? For starters, the savings on round trip international shipping and handling charges are substantial.

Also, it turns out that each country has a distinct set of trade show requirements due to the unique characteristics of that nations business styles. For instance, with storage space at a premium in Japan, it is common for the custom trade show booth to appear in only one trade show. In Japan, the trade show booth is often destroyed after the trade show, thereby eliminating the need for storage space. When exhibiting in other countries, this build and burn trade show booth concept is common because the exhibitor is often unwilling to store a trade show exhibit or have it shipped back to their country. Consequently, lesser grade materials are used on the one-time trade show display since the trade show booth will not be used again.

In Europe, trade show booths with fully functioning kitchens, dishwashers, four burner stoves, and full size refrigerators are customary at trade shows. This is due to the business culture of Europeans who expect hospitality in their trade show display arenas, according to Candy Adams, a San Diego-based independent exhibit-management consultant, trainer, speaker and writer known as The Booth Mom. She says that the overseas exhibitor often hires local students to pick up the food, cook and serve it at the trade show. And, at a bare minimum at the American trade show booth in Europe, coffee, cookies and carbonated and plain water need to be served in order to comply with the unwritten hospitality code of European countries.

Adams advises that the U.S. trade show exhibitor needs to plan well in advance if they want to exhibit overseas. The American exhibitor needs to consider extra time for customs clearance, shipping, working in the metric system (rather than inches and feet), different time zones, language barriers and currency exchange rates. If you want to avoid fluctuations in price, Adams suggests locking in the amount of the trade show rental exhibit costs by paying in advance.

One of the biggest problems in international exhibiting is the lack of understanding the language, cites Adams. Be aware that some trade shows require all written materials and signage to be printed in the official language of the show. When you have translation work done, make sure that your words and meanings are translated correctly both into the official language as well as when the words are translated back into English. Make sure nothing is lost in translation, and that you properly convey what you mean to say.

Take into account the difference in trade show budgeting for Europe vs. U.S. In Europe, the trade show costs of shipping, material handling and exhibit set-up up are customarily handled by the European trade show exhibit house. It is just the opposite in the U.S., where each service provider is a different entity from separate freight companies, drayage, installation and dismantling labor, etc.

The flip side is true when European or Asian exhibitors plan to exhibit in a U.S. trade show. They are confronted with a confusing array of new standards. The American trade show exhibit house, therefore, must act as an ambassador to help the overseas exhibitor learn the business model of U.S. trade show exhibiting. This applies whether the exhibit is at the McCormick Convention Center in Chicago, the Kaiser Convention Center in Oakland, the Moscone Center in San Francisco, the Santa Clara Convention Center, the San Jose McEnery Convention Center or other exhibit centers throughout the country.

Dick Wheeler is President of Professional Exhibits & Graphics, headquartered in Sunnyvale, California with showroom in Sacramento. Firm is full-service premiere trade show exhibit, graphics and management services company. Blog23235
Brynna Blog61396

Wedding Planning Checklist Tips

So the lucky couple have finally decided to do the decent thing and get married. To make their relationship a permanent matrimonial fixture and start planning for the big day. These days weddings arent exactly a cheap affair, so budgeting and planning are high on the priority list. Unless youve won the lottery or the latest poker championship, the chances are money is something that is finite even if you do want to throw caution to the wind. Then there is the cost of the honeymoon to consider. If you want everything to run as smoothly as possible, there is no better place to start than with a wedding planning checklist. You need it fully written up well in advance of the big day.

You may be wondering what types of things you would write in a wedding planning checklist. Well, once you sit down, it soon becomes clear that there is a ton of stuff. Firstly you need basic things such as the date you are going to get married on, the location of the wedding and even the exact time. Then you need to decide on the type of ceremony you are going to be having. Is it going to be a small affair or is it going to be filled to the rafters with people that youve invited. Once you know this, you can then think about what accommodation and food will be provided and served. The further ahead you plan all these details and write them down on your wedding planning checklist, the better. With a comprehensive planning checklist things should run without a hitch as youve covered all the bases well before.

You will also need to decide upon who is going to marry the couple, the all important wedding cake, the flowers and special rings that no bride and groom can be without on their wedding day. So, as you can see, a wedding planning checklist will need a lot on it and its something very important to utilize in preparation for the big day.

Article by Richard Davies at Dedicated to help you plan for the big wedding day. Annaliese Blog89205
Aleen Blog8040

Harvest Wreath

I took a hike with my son a few days ago. Little did I know that within a few hours time (the bulk of the time was the actual hike), we would have a gorgeous, homemade harvest wreath that truly rivaled anything I have seen in the trendy stores and catalogs. The two best things about this unintentional project were the fun we had making the wreath, and the fact that it was absolutely free!

It was a sunny, crisp October afternoon. My family enjoys hiking, so my son and I decided to indulge in one of our favorite pastimes. Living in the northeast, the colors and sights of fall were pretty much at their peak. It was a feast for the senses as well as a nice way to spend some quality time together.

We were walking around a lake in a lightly wooded area. Vibrant red leaves on the vines entwined around mature trees were truly breathtaking. The twisting and braiding around the tree trunks in such intricate and fascinating ways had an almost surreal quality to them. If youve ever seen how those climbing vines, you know what I mean!

There were similar trees and vines scattered about that were obviously dead. My little guy asked if those vines were the same ones they sell at the craft stores (the ones arranged in circles, ovals, hearts, etc). I honestly didnt know and still dont, but they did look similar. Then my son asked, Can we make a wreath with a dead vine?

Wow! Out of the mouths of babes, as the saying goes!! He gave me a fresh idea for an awesome home interior decorating idea for fall (thanks, Honey!): a harvest wreath. I couldnt wait to share this idea with you.

We carefully unwound one of the dead vines until we had about ten feet (this is just an estimate; we didnt have a tape measure or anything like that with us). After removing a few crunchy dead leaves, we wound the vine around itself to make a circle. It wasnt perfect by any means, and I think that added to its charm.

As we continued out hike, we collected wildflowers in bright purple, white, and yellow.

Once we were back at home, we plucked some orange mums from the back garden. Using the stems, we threaded the flowers and weeds onto our dark brown vine. We did this quite whimsically, not putting any though into color placement or anything too complicated; if it looked good and the stem held it on the vine, we added the flower or weed.

This project literally took less than an hour from start to finish and my son did the bulk of the creation. I hung our harvest wreath on the front door, and received many compliments from my neighbors. One even asked where we bought it because she wanted one for her door, too! I could not believe how simple it was to make and yet how beautiful it came out!

Its a few days later now and the flowers have faded, but the wreath is still lovely. I have since collected small bunches of flowers, weeds, and herbs and am drying them upside down. Once dry, I will attach them to the vine with floral wire. I also intend to add nuts and seed pods with my hot glue gun. A homemade bow from old ribbon will be the finishing touch.

I hope this inspires you to make your own harvest wreath. It is a simple, lovely, and easy way to add to your autumn dcor.

Lisa Herbik is a happy homemaker who loves to do her own home interior decorating. For more fun and free tips for decorating your home, check out her website, Alfi Blog22923
Brear Blog80671

Right hand Engagement Diamond Rings

A Diamond ring happens to be the best present as an Engagement Ring. The Right hand Engagement Diamond Ring seems to be the darling of the Diamond Jewelry market and its sales are touching all time highs. This Right hand diamond Ring is associated with the modern independent Career Woman who stands for the Success, Strength and self assertiveness and Freedom.

This old- but renewed product that is projected as the symbol of the eternal Love is opposed to the old style Diamond engagement Rings and the Diamond anniversary Bands. It is designed to be worn on a different hand but its design is also entirely different. The Design of the Right hand engagement Diamond Rings is entirely different from the matrimonial Rings. It is designed with more open spaces, smaller Gemstones that are arranged in such a way that it reflects the personality and individuality of the Wearer.

The Right hand Diamond engagement Rings followed the Diamond engagement Rings that were made wearable by both the men and women who are about to be get married. These Rings were made a symbol of the new era of independent Women who were successful along side the men. The diamond ring at the right Hand makes the new liberated Woman think that the left hand ring stands for the labors that marriage brings along while the right hand Ring reads as the careless, joyful side of life.

These Right hand Diamond Engagement Rings are also made attractive to the Men by telling them that they are encouraged to buy a Gift for their wives that will flatter not only their need for love proofs but also the thought of being valued and respected as an independent person, and not a nice accessory to men or a house decor item.

The trend has been set even if the man is not married but has a love relationship it is a must for him to buy and present a Right hand ring to his lover as a proof of his love and a symbol of his commitment to her. These Right hand Diamond Rings being a symbol of love it also attracted the unusual man and man Gay Lovers and girl and girl lovers also.

Any marketing with the human vanity as the basis has done extremely well and this technique has been effectively used to create a trend among the humans for the marketing of a product just by declaring and reinforcing the thought that these right Hand Engagement Diamond Rings are a must buy and Gift to maintain the relationship.

John Gibb is the owner of diamond ring sources, For more information on diamond rings check out http://www.Diamondrings-information.infoBetty Blog72397
Bibbye Blog31086

Mp3 Player Purchase Tips

The idea of a having a portable audio player dates back many years ago, when the option then was a fairly big cassette-tape-playing two-speaker audio system. Eventually these devices got smaller and back in the late seventies a hand size cassette-tape audio player was made available. Now as electronics evolved and with the mp3 audio format, one can satisfy his needs for a portable audio device thru the use of mp3 players.

Mp3 players became very popular and it is very common to see people using it while doing many activities such as jogging, commuting to work, traveling, buying groceries, computer related tasks and others.

For those who intend to purchase an mp3 player, one might consider the following tips:

1 - The internal memory size of an mp3 player will determine the amount of mp3 songs the device will be able to hold. Some models may even have an internal hard drive to store songs, however the size and price may go up a little bit and it is not recommend to be used by someone doing intensive physical activities. Also some models may the have the option of flash memory.

2 - The battery life is a very important feature, because it will determine how many hours the mp3 player will function properly. Make sure the mp3 player comes with an AC/DV adapter for quick battery charge.

3 - There a lots of sizes of mp3 players. Features such as a larger screen, video capability, hard drive and others, all add up to a bigger size. And price too!

4 - The way an mp3 player connects to a computer is a also very important feature. Latest model may support high speed USB 2.0 transfer. Some others may even have Firewire support.

5 - Some mp3 players even may accept other audio format besides mp3, such as WMA format. Check the players specification if this feature is going to be used.

6 - Also mp3 players may have other features besides of mp3 playing. Features such as FM tuner and audio recording capability, may be of some interest to some users.

7 - As for the price just make sure the mp3 player you are buying has just the features you are looking for. Why pay more for features you are not going to be using anyway? Mp3 players can be purchased for prices from fifty up to several hundred dollars. Brand name players will cost even more.

Portable mp3 players have become a must have product of desire among the younger population. After all almost everyone has one of them. So if you don have one yet, its about time to keep yourself updated with modern time.

This article is under GNU FDL license and can be distributed without any previous authorization from the author. However the authors name and all the URLs (links) mentioned in the article and biography must be kept.

Roberto Sedycias has a bachelor degree in Business Administration and over 20 years experience in systems analysis and computer programming. Currently working as IT consultant for Blog78658
Bambi Blog77126

The Ender Saga: A Noteworthy Science Fiction series

January 1985 marks the beginning of America's love affair with Ender Wiggin. It was that month that Ender's Game was published, becoming an instant blockbuster, and "probably the most popular science fiction novel published in the last twenty years" (John Kessel). The child prodigy and ultimate savior of the earth, Ender Wiggin, had appeared seven years earlier in a short story published in the science fiction magazine Analog. Writer Orson Scott Card had spent much of his young life working in print, but had only set to writing science fiction when his meager salary as copy editor at a small press failed to pay a debt incurred from a failed business attempt. His magazine article won instant attention, and Orson Scott Card won the 1978 John C. Campbell Award for best new writer at the World Science Fiction Convention. But little Ender was destined for bigger things.

Orson Scott Card saw potential in his young protagonist and instantly set to work developing the short fiction into a longer work. Already he had two novels in mind, Ender's Game and its sequel Speaker for the Dead, published the following year in 1986. Card made history by winning both the prestigious Nebula and Hugo Awards in both consecutive years. No other author has managed this feat to date (2006.) Since that time, Ender's Game has been translated into sixteen languages, and spawned two series.

The first series includes Ender's Game (1985), Speaker for the Dead (1986), Xenocide (1991), Children of the Mind (1996), and First Meetings (2002). The saga follows Ender as he grows into adulthood and deals with the moral and ethical issues presented in his childhood.

The second series starts with a parallel telling of the original Ender's Game, but from the eyes of Bean. Titled Ender's Shadow (1999), it is the first of the Shadow Series, followed by Shadow of the Hegemon (2001), Shadow Puppets (2002), and Shadow of the Giant (2005).

Ender's Game has been called "the science fiction novel for people who don't think they like science fiction." Truly it appeals to a vast audience. It is on the list of top books for college-bound students, and has been adopted as required reading in numerous secondary schools and university classes. Card explains that the focus on the human story as it unravels, rather than the science fiction elements, is what gives the novel power among its readers. Essentially, Card says, readers must relate and care deeply about the characters. Beyond that, he admits that the use of computer networks and the "mind game" are features in the book that appeal to many readers.

Ender claimed the spotlight again in the late 1990s when rumor caught wind that a film was slated. Indeed, Warner Brothers announced in 2002 its plans to produce the film. Director Wolfgang Peterson, known for his most recent films Poseidon, Troy and The Perfect Storm, is joined by screenwriter David Benieff (Troy). The movie is expected to hit the theaters in 2008. After winning the top prizes offered in science fiction literature, one wonders what is still in store for Ender Wiggen.

Copyright (c) 2006 Francesca Black

Francesca Black has always enjoyed Science Fiction and she manages the content at: Science Fiction Corner Blog24986
Austina Blog99691

How To Find The Best Spyware Blocker

With the purpose of finding the most excellent spyware blocker for the PC you foremost have to be familiar with what a proper spyware blocker is supposed to do. There is a list of features, which you ought to pay attention to when purchasing anti spyware program and given below are some of those features in details.

A proper spyware detection software will make available to the user a simple to use, total solution to getting rid of spyware. This spyware detection software ought to furthermore come with regular updates and include different monitoring alternatives on hand.

The Features You Have To Pay Attention To

When it is about buying a spyware blocker there are a few features, which you ought to make certain, are incorporated with the anti spyware program you select. The foremost thing you will have to make sure is that the anti spyware program will provide you with a detailed list of the identified spyware, which is located in your PC in order that you can make a decision whether to carry on with them or not. Is there a variety of software incorporated along with the spyware blocker, which will help with the identification of spyware in an even easier manner?

The next feature, which is very important, is real time security. In other words, we suggest that the spyware blocker you select ought to in addition be capable of preventing spyware from setting up in your PC. The spyware blocker ought to be simple to make use of and the time it needs to carry out an inspection of your PC ought to moreover be taken into deliberation. A few spyware detection programs can take about thirty minutes to inspect your PC.

One more vital feature to think about is the easiness of installation and set up of the spyware blocker. If you mean to shell out money on getting rid of spyware then it ought to be simple to set up and make use of. Support and help should furthermore be on hand and their accessibility also ought to be thought about and looked into prior to your purchasing your spyware blocker.

If you follow these little guidelines, you are sure to buy the most excellent spyware blocker for your PC.

Frank ShowalterBarbi Blog41427
Bobbee Blog48834

Shoulder Injury The Cause

It wasn't until I originally wrote this article about a year ago, for an old website I used to have, that I realized that I had something important to contribute to the bodybuilding community.

I had no idea when I wrote this article that it would single handedly raise the stock and notoriety of me as a bodybuilding writer. The other day while I was working on another website and someone asked me what happened to that article I wrote on shoulder injury?

Right then it hit me other people were getting hits and links for an article that I originally wrote. Now that I have I can start once again writing articles that are honest and informative. So here is a complete copy of my original article "Shoulder Pain the Cause"

This article addresses the causes of shoulder injury a common problem to athletes that participate in bodybuilding weightlifting and other weight assisted sports.

Most people think that the shoulder is a ball and socket connection much like the hip joint; nothing could be further from the truth. The shoulder is made up of two main bones the humerus the large bone in the upper arm, and the scapula the fan shaped bone of the upper back. The humerus is covered by cartilage which in a cartilage covered semi cup called the glenoid. This and the top boney extensions of the scapula make up a very fragile ball joint.

When its time to evaluate the shoulder muscles, most of the time we think of the shoulder muscles we think of the deltoids, and the trapezius. However the shoulder is made up of other lesser seen muscles whose development is essential to health shoulder joints. These lesser muscles are the Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus and the teres major, minor better know as the rotor cuff muscles. Below is the action of these muscles, there purpose, origin and insertions:

Supraspinatus: This muscle has an origin at the top of the scapula and an insertion at the top or superior facet of the humerus. This muscle initiates and assists the deltoid in the abduction (rising) of the arm.

Infraspinatus: this fan shaped muscle has it origin at the middle of the scapula it covers about 90 percent of the scapula and insert at Middle facet on greater tuberosity of humerus (the larger tube shape connection of the upper arm at the ball shaped top). The purpose of this muscle is to lateral lift the arm help to hold the humeral head in the glenoid cavity of the scapula

Teres Major: this muscle has it origin at the lower inside of the scapula and insertion is at the middle of the opposite side of the humerus, just below the humeral head. The purpose of this muscle is to abduct and rotate the arm across the body, as if your elbow was pointing down and just your forearm rotated across your body.

Teres Minor: This tiny muscle has its origin at the lateral boarder of the scapula just above the teres major, and its insertion at the Inferior facet on greater tuberosity of humerus. This little muscle has to lateral rotate the arm, and like the Infraspinatus help to hold the humeral head in the glenoid cavity of the scapula.

Not only to the rotor cuff muscle stabilize the shoulder they assist in moving the arm especially during internal and external rotation. However the ability of the rotor cuff muscle to stabilize depends on their strength in relation to the larger deltoids and trapezius muscles. The solution to shoulder pain is simple strengthen the rotor cuff muscles and the shoulder pain goes away.

But where did the pain come from in the beginning? Easy, when the humeral head of the upper arm is stretched in such a way that it separates form the glenoid cup, the rotor cuff muscles can no longer stabilize the shoulder. This would happen when doing stretching (I prescribe to the theory of never stretching the shoulder) or when an exercise that used the shoulder muscles are pulled from what I call an unnatural position (as in behind the neck pull downs).

There are only two other ways to working around this problem short of surgery, one is to modify your workout so that you are less likely to injury the shoulder; and two to do those exercises that can strengthen the stabilizer muscle of the rotor cuff. In my next article I will address modifying the workout to prevent shoulder injury.

Troy Pearsall is a dedicated Christian, bodybuilder, and grandfather. He owns Fire Iron Online a hardcore bodybuilding website that tries to promote the sport of bodybuilding in a healthy and honest way. Motivated by the amount of high blood pressure, diabetes and other health related disease, and living in Philadelphia the fattest city in America, Troy was moved to give the knowledge of health and fitness to strengthen the body mind and spirit of those that needed it. To learn more on how to build the body in an upright fashion go Blog17554
Brook Blog18372

Long Island Schools Rethink Gym Credit

The Problem

Teachers, students, and parents at Long Island schools have been struggling with how to give credit for physical education classes. On the one hand, many argue that counting gym like an academic class can badly affect the GPA of students who are strong academically but do not do well in gym. On the other hand, others argue that when students know that the gym class does not affect their GPA they do not put the effort and attention into the class in order to improve their physical health.

Long Island Schools have decided to strike a middle ground and allow students to choose whether they want it to count or not. The decision only applies to current sixth through ninth graders so it will not affect current graduating high school students. 24 of the 60 schools in the Suffolk County district have decided to handle gym in this way, hoping to please groups on both sides while addressing the needs of students.

The Process

Many of the changes were suggested by parents who signed petitions to allow physical education to be counted on GPAs instead of as a pass / fail mark as it had been in the past. The superintendent and the school boards of Long Island schools met to consider the proposals from parents to figure out how to make the physical education curriculum the most effective for students as well as the most standardized in grading.

In addition to parental concern, there was also intense scrutiny of the new New York State Standards for Physical Education. The argument here is that the new standards have clear aims and objectives that can be measured and graded like an academic class. Superintendents of Long Island schools determined that in implementing these new standards in the physical education curriculum, the schools would be able to give grades for accomplishing certain tasks rather than the all encompassing pass / fail marks.

What People Think

Reactions to the change have been mixed. Some parents are looking forward to counting the physical education class on the GPA while others are worried about hurting the academic side of their childs report card. One board member stated: "I think that phasing it in provides us the opportunity to see how it goes. Allowing the option would not hurt a student's GPA." The decision also pleased Jonathan Estrada, who will be a senior this fall at Northport High School. Earlier in the school year, he had become concerned when he learned that the new policy would be mandatory. "I was immediately sort of troubled about it," he said. "You shouldn't be hurt from a grade that doesn't reflect the actual ability."

In academic circles, many educators are applauding the change, citing the need for a stronger and more comprehensive program in physical education to tackle the current health problems of Americas youth. University studies and national surveys all point to the increased grading and evaluating of physical education as key to keeping the class relevant and useful for students. Counting the class as a grade will help students take the class more seriously, and hopefully translate into healthier students in and out of Long Island schools.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues. For more information on Long Island schools visit Blog51531
Camile Blog5969

Community College Is An Excellent Educational Bargain

It's not news to anyone that college costs are skyrocketing. The average cost of one year at a private college or university has risen to a shocking $31,465. It's no wonder that parents and students look at that number and wonder whether a college degree is in their reach at all. However, many families overlook the tremendous costs savings that could be achieved by attending a community college for two years. Tuition at community college is typically half that of a public institution and just one-tenth that of a private institution.

For many years, community colleges fought the image that they were the last resort for students who couldn't get in anywhere else and that their programs were not as challenging or comprehensive and those at larger colleges universities. Today, however, community colleges are thriving centers that not only provide state-of-the-art career education, but also provide a high-quality educational foundation for students who wish to transfer to a college or university after two years.

Because most colleges and universities, regardless of size, require students to take core courses in their first two years before choosing a major, taking these courses at the community college level will save money. Additionally, core courses at the university level are often held in large lecture halls with hundreds of students. At community colleges, class sizes rarely exceed 30 students. So, paradoxically, community college students receive more individualized attention yet pay much less for that privilege.

Instructors at the community college level are required to hold a Master's degree in their instructional area. Some have pointed to this as evidence that community colleges cannot provide the same quality of instruction as colleges and universities that employ professors with Doctoral degrees. However, very few of those professors actually teach the core courses that students take during their first two years of college. Additionally, community college instructors often have real-world employment experience that gives them a more practical perspective than university professors, who are immersed in the world of academia.

Transferring to a larger institution at the end of two years at community college is often easier than being admitted as a Freshman. Also, many states guarantee admission to their state colleges and universities to community college graduates who maintain a certain grade point average. Even prestigious Ivy League colleges like Harvard, Yale and Brown have accepted transfer students from community colleges.

Kadence Buchanan writes articles for - In addition, Kadence also writes articles for and Blog98240
Catherine Blog14941

4 Steps Away From Your Own Website

In the last decade, the Internet has become one of the most important and effective platforms in which to promote yourself and your products. But if youre not an experienced webmaster, getting such a project underway can seem a bit overwhelming. However, this article will show you how such a project can become both a fun and an enriching experience for anybody who wants to create his or hers own website. You will learn how to built and maintain a practical and efficient website for all your visitors to enjoy.

The Plan:

The first and undoubtedly most important, but often forgotten, step is drawing up a plan. In this stage of the process, it is the time to lay out the details of your website project. Of course your website is a work in progress, and you will most likely change many things along the way, but if you do not have a clear idea of the direction you want your project to go in, you may find yourself overwhelmed by the magnitude of such an ambitious project and give it up all together. Here are a few things I strongly suggest you do not overlook when planning for you Internet project:

Give yourself a deadline:

Of course this is not set in stone and there are no consequences for not finishing in time. But it is a good idea to set deadlines in order to maintain some sort of order in your project.

Make a list of people who can help:

We all have that friend or relative who is good with computers or even an old college buddy who has a knack for writing articles. You can ask them if they can help you in any of the aspects of your project.

Make a budget:

How much are you I willing to invest is an important question you must ask yourself at this stage. You will have to do a bit of research at this point. Again, none of the decisions you take on are set in stone, but having a good idea of how much designing your website, registering you domain name or hosting you website will cost is an important part of the first step.

Define your website:

A few questions you should ask yourself at this point are what will the overall theme of the website be and who is your intended public. A good idea for a first website would be to build it around a passion of yours.

Plan the overall look of your website:

Without getting into specific detail, such as logos, pictures or color scheme, it is a good idea at this stage to have a clear idea of what you want your website to look like. Depending on the overall theme and nature of you website, you will have to decide on the look you will want to achieve. For example, a site talking about your favorite sport or television series will not have the same look as a website promoting business related books.

Decide how much time you want to put in:

Finally, in this step you will have to take some time and think about how much of the work you would like to do yourself and how much of it is going to be done by professionals. There are certain aspects of a website that are more time consuming than others, so you will want to spend your time on the things you deem most important.

If youre having problems with this stage, dont get discouraged. Like I said earlier, it is without a doubt the most difficult stage in the process. While you can have professional do things for you in subsequent stages, deciding the overall look and theme of your website is a decision you have to take all on your own.

The content:

The next step in creating a popular website your visitors will consistently come back to is to offer them the information they need through useful and up-to-date content. If you have already defined a clear picture of what your website is about in the first step of the process, you can now easily understand what your potential visitors are looking for. You should also decide at this point, in what way you would like communicate this information. Articles and tutorials are a great way of offering free and compelling information to your visitors.

There are numerous website that offer articles you could use on your website. You can browse through an extensive collection of articles and add them to your website. As long as you follow the guidelines set by the website and the respective authors, you may use these articles on your site as a way to offer compelling content for you readers. There are several of these article directory websites out, such as, and just to name a few. It may also be a good idea to write your own articles. This isnt as difficult as it may seem, especially if your sites theme is based on a subject youre particularly passionate about. You may even share your articles on these article directory sites. In return, your article may be published on other websites with an active hyperlink to yours.

You may also have a product to sell or to promote. Even though this part of your website is indented to get you a profit, this does not mean you cant offer any relevant free information to your user. In fact, offering the reader a good and honest review of both the pros and cons of purchasing such a product can be a great way of concluding sales.

Another great way of helping your visitors in their search for answers is by redirecting them to other websites that offer complementary information. You should however note that asking for permission to link to these websites is highly recommended and is the ethical and acceptable way of doing things.

The Design:

Graphic design:

As important as the content is in getting your readers to come back to your site, the graphics and overall appearance of the website is just as important in creating a great first impression. Everything, from the color scheme, the graphics used, such as your logo, to your picture selection all work together toward achieving the look you ultimately want your website to have. The important thing is not to get carried away with the graphics on your website. If you take a look at any corporate website on the Internet, you will notice they have a nice clean look, relying on nicely positioned photos and carefully selected graphics. You should also try to remain fairly consistent in your overall layout. Essentially, every page on you website should look the same. This will maximize your sites usability, allowing visitors to navigate with ease throughout your website.

One option can be to use templates that can be either found for free on the net, or that come with software you may purchase. It should be noted that this will require some form of coding skill to add the content you need for your website. You must also realize that finding a template that perfectly matches your needs may be hard to find, but remains a viable solution for your first website. Now for those of us who want to create a customized website that will suit our requirements, hiring a professional designer is another possibility. Of course, this can cost a considerable amount of money in the long run, especially if you plan on creating more than one website. Therefore, learning how to create simple graphics for your website is a great way of saving money that could eventually be spent more wisely on a good hosting company for example.

Mastering a photo editing program such as Photoshop may take several years, but creating simple graphics such as a logo, a banner or a content box is possible with a little help and practice. A great way of learning to design graphics for websites is with the help of tutorials. You can find loads of free tutorials on sites like,, and many more. With a step by step visual approach, youll be creating beautiful graphics in no time.


With your content and graphics now ready, you can now move on to the next step of creating the actual website. You must code everything into a language called HTML (HyperText Markup Language) that Internet browsers can recognize. Now any experienced programmer can manually code HTML using a text editor such as Notepad. You may try your hand at manually coding a website if youre up for a challenge. You may be able to code a simple website using free online courses such as the ones we find at

Of course, these days theyre exists a multitude of software such as Dreamweaver that can help you program entire websites quicker and more efficiently. Like Photoshop, it may take a while before you get the hang of this program, but you may easily create a simple and appealing website that fits your immediate needs with the help of free online tutorials on websites such as and many more.

Another option would be to have a professional programmer create a website to your specifications, but again this can be quite costly in the long run. It all depends on your budget and the nature of your intended website. If its a commercial website, you may feel that investing in a designer and programmer may be worth it because there is a possibility you may make the money back fairly quickly.

Get up and running:

At this stage of the process, you are just one step away of realizing your dream of having our very own website. Once your website is ready, it is time to get your pet project out there to the World Wide Web, for the whole world to see.

Web Hosting:
This is the time for you to choose where you are going to put your site. There are multitudes of hosting services available for you to choose from, but it is important to do so according to your requirements. There are many places on the web where you can host your website for free. Of course, there will be some conditions imposed on you in return, such as adding an advertising banner.
If you have an Internet connection, your Internet Service Provider will most likely have a space where you could place your website for free. Although limited in space, this can be a viable second option for your very first personal website. You could also use this space to test out your website. If you plan on operating a commercial and professional looking website, you will have to purchase space from a hosting service. Depending on your needs, there are an endless amount of hosting packages that will be offered to you. The size of your website and the amount of visitors you expect are some of the factors you must consider before signing-up with any hosting service. I recommend using Godaddy.coms hosting service. They offer several packages to choose from, all of which are relatively cheap and reliable.

Domain Name:

This is also the stage where you must register a domain name. Your domain name will be unique name (address) that will best represent your website. A good tip is to keep the name relatively short, so that your viewers will remember it the name next time they want to visit your website. For personal websites, a good idea would be to use your name. As for business related websites, this stage may be a bit trickier because a lot of the best domain names have already been taken. This is where your creativity comes into play. Once youve done your research and have come up with a good name, I once again recommend visiting and learn more about their offers.

Maintaining you website:

After all that hard work, you finally have your website up and running. At this point in the project, you can take a breather and be proud of what you have accomplished, but you also have to keep in mind that it is crucial to your websites success that you maintain your website. In fact, maintaining your website is perhaps the most important aspects of running a website. Some of the steps you will have to take are: making sure your links remain functional and keeping your content up-to-date. Aside from the fact that frequently updating your websites content will help you with your ranking in search engines; it will also benefit the lifeblood of your website, your users. Offering useful and up-to-date information to your visitors will inevitably keep them coming back for more.

Josh Green is a senior editor for Visit today for this and many more informative articles, stunning web design tutorials and reviews of the best tools available.Beatrix Blog2626
Bell Blog79140

The Advantages of Web-Enabled Call Accounting

What this means is that a manager or authorized employee can go to their PC, activate a Web browser, log in to the system, and access telecom reports right from their desk. This can be a tremendous time saver, especially at companies that have many branches. Of course, unauthorized persons have to be prevented from accessing the information, but this is a fairly simple matter with adequate user name and password protection. For executives to have immediate real-time access to needed reports can be of great benefit.

Instant access is but one advantage of a web-based call accounting software system. In this day and age most employees have a personal computer with e-mail capability and web access on their desks. This means that they don't need to have any special software installed to be able to access the needed reports, nor will they need costly upgrades. All that is needed is to provide them with the required login username and password.

Some employees may require limited access privileges by excluding more sensitive information that does not concern them. Normally, this can be coupled to the person's login by the system administrator, but it is important to choose a call accounting system that provides this capability.

Fraud detection is an important aspect of call accounting. This is especially the case, after the Sarbanes-Oxley act was passed in Congress in 2002, following fraudulent operations by companies, such as Enron and WorldCom. With fraud detection, it is important to have rapid access to call detail records (CDRs) in order to track down the culprits. A web-enabled call accounting system that can be programmed to issue alerts on detecting suspicious activity can be of great benefit. When shopping for a call accounting system, look for these features.

A further advantage of web-enabled call accounting is that the information can be accessed simultaneously by different users without placing unnecessary stress on the system. In particular, this is of great advantage to international enterprises that have branches in different countries. With web access, executives can obtain the needed telecom information anywhere in the world by using any web-enabled computer and logging in.

For more information on Call Accounting, visit Telsoft Solutions.

Peter Verhoeff writes articles on the business benefits of call accounting and call detail record technology. More information can be found at Blog36857
Bellanca Blog63466

Online Education

The Internet has shortened distances, making it possible almost all of the activities that traditionally required going from one place to another, investing extra effort, money, and time. Today, you can study from the comfort of your home, at any hour of the day or night and even wearing just your pajamas, if you want.

Online courses have the additional benefit of immediate availability. No more waiting time until the next visit of your mail carrier, just sit down and turn on your PC to enter into your virtual classroom or have your list of today's assignments displayed on your monitor.

Online education, also known as distance learning or e-learning, differs from traditional education because students are not required to visit an actual classroom and listen to an instructor face-to-face. If you have ever thought about an online education to further your current career, or to get training for a new career, now is a great time to get started.

An online education also means you do not have to take a break from your current job or career and can simultaneously become qualified for a better one. Contrary to belief, an online education is valued just as much as a regular one. In fact, people getting an online education are indicating that they are motivated to better themselves every step of the way and are willing to put in the required extra effort for this purpose.

Today, online education has come a long way. Instructors are now being hired to solely teach online. Companies are also hiring these online education programs, since a training session can not only be quick, but also be accessed at any time of the day or night. For many, it is a great opportunity because it gives us all more knowledge. We not only are able to get college degrees through this type of e-learning, but we also can have a life, without having to stay at the office overnight just to learn some material.

The choice for online education is vast. There are an unlimited number of universities and colleges that are ready to work with you and the time that you have available in order for you to get an education in the field you prefer.

Online education has made all degrees available to anyone and everyone who has the will to study. The cost of each degree differs from course to course but here too a payment plan can be worked out depending on your financial status and possibilities.

Overall, online education is much less expensive than going to a traditional school because you save on travel, time, and the courses themselves cost less. Much of the time you are able to get your degree much quicker and with much more ease in an online program than at a traditional college.

Modern technology allows surfers the access to a wide number of study materials and guides in a matter of just a few seconds. Nevertheless, apart from time, online educations provide economy, convenience and effectiveness to any learning program.

This article has been published by Kateri White currently writing on online degree programs topics for our website more details about the online degree programs, please visit our website. If any mistake found please mail Blog36596
Angil Blog81923

Preschool Activities & Learning Aids For Parents & Teachers

Preschool Activities & Crafts for Kids:

If you have preschoolers or young children, you are probably always on the lookout for NEW activities, games and ideas to help them learn, as well as keep them occupied.

There is so much mind numbing entertainment on the television today that sometimes we are best if we leave our and preschoolers & kids to entertain themselves! In order to do this, we need to have the activities, ideas, learning games & arts/crafts needed to stimulate their young minds.

To keep children entertained, you need to keep the ideas and activities fresh and exciting!

There are art activities, craft activities, science experiments, & physical activities as well. All of these are things that are essential for your childs physical and mental development. offers a huge variety of games, activities science experiments, simple exercises and more for teachers & parents looking to entertain, as well as teach preschoolers and children. There are healthy recipes, playdoh recipes, coloring sheets, printables, books, activities, art supplies and a whole lot more!

One example of the kinds of preschool activities found at

Flower Power Science
(*example from )

You will need:
3 white carnations
3 vases or tall glasses
Red, blue, and green, food coloring

Fill each glass or vase half way with cool water. Color the water in each vase/glass a different color with food coloring. Place one carnation in each vase/glass.

You can document how many hours or days it takes for each carnation to start to change color. Which carnation changes color first, which carnation changes color last.

You can also use other colors like yellow, orange, or purple. Make a nice bouquet of homemade colorful carnations to display around the classroom.

These activities and games help to develop your childs mind and teach them to be more observant, as well as learn. Your children will love to try the NEW activities & games.

Other Interesting Areas:


Download This Free Coloring Book Now!
Marisa Robinson is a Professional E.C.E (Early Childhood Educator) and has many years of professional experience in teaching, and caring for children and their continued mental development!Anna Diana Blog76356
Alexine Blog48269

How Safe Is Your Computer ?

Your computer can be open to attack from different types of spyware. Spyware constitutes those programs that are deliberately lodged in your computer without your approval or knowledge. The only way to escape spyware or at least minimize its effects is to install antispyware software on your pc.

If you surf the web, you can be sure that you face the ongoing risk of spyware or adware. It is time you updated your antispyware programs to keep your PC healthy. But first let us briefly examine the most common types of spyware.

Gone are the days when viruses were expected only via our email. Now we don't even have to click a link to be infected. All we have to do is browse the Internet, and it's an open invitation to spyware. Spyware constitutes those programs that are deliberately lodged in your computer without your approval or knowledge. You can never live without spyware and adware protection.

Types Of Spyware

Adware is the worst form of spyware. These programs lay in wait for you to connect to the Internet and then they send you popups that give you all kinds of offers. And while you are thinking how considerate those websites are, these fake popups are actually recording your viewing habits and smuggling them off to marketing companies who sell you junk.

Another irritating form of spyware is the browser hijacker. After installing themselves on your PC, they just change your default homepage and search engine. When you start your web browser, you'll find that you are flooded with ads, porn and other stuff you don't want. The scary part of this is that they mine data - which means they report your surfing habits to someone who uses the information unethically.

Keyboard loggers are thieves who steal your PIN number when you bank online. They get your passwords. This means, without spyware protection, your personal information and assets can be stolen. Then there are Diallers that enter your PC through a virus infection, adult websites, warez, or even MP3s. A dialler is software that dials numbers at premium rates when you are not around and you end up with bills for thousands of dollars.

If you use file-sharing programs, while installing it, spyware also gets installed, unless you read your end user agreements carefully or have antispyware software installed to keep these Trojans away. Imagine having every keystroke recorded, and your private instant messages, emails and other conversations being logged and reported elsewhere without you knowing about it! No - not the best situation to be in! So, never be without spyware protection.

Is There Freedom From Spyware?

The only way to escape spyware or at least minimize its effects is to install antispyware software on your pc. Some programs just remove the spyware but cannot prevent new spyware from coming into your pc. Get firewall software, if you use broadband or high-speed connections. Avoid clicking on links that promise you free movies, prizes, free software etc. Update your antispyware program and scan your PC regularly.

Arvind Singh is admin and technical expert associated with development of computer security and performance enhancing software like Registry Cleaner, Window Cleaner, Anti Spam Filter etc. More information can be found at http://www.pcmantra.comCelina Blog98354
Biddy Blog79334

I Love French Wine And Food - A Bordeaux Merlot

If you are in the market for fine French wine and food, you should consider the world-famous Bordeaux region of southwestern France. You may find a bargain, and I hope that you'll enjoy yourself on this fact-filled wine education tour in which we review a red Merlot from an internationally renowned producer.

Among France's eleven wine-growing regions Bordeaux ranks first in acreage with about 50% more land devoted to vineyards than the second-place Rhone Valley. But it's more than just a question of acreage and volume. Bordeaux is widely considered as one of the top wine producing regions of the entire earth and has been for centuries. The wine reviewed below comes from the Pomerol area on the right bank of the Garonne River, which divides Bordeaux in two.

Bordeaux produces over seventy million cases of wine per year, about 85% red, 12 white, and the rest rose. That works out to more than two million cases of rose wine per year. I don't remember ever tasting a Bordeaux rose. I promise to deal with this problem later in the series. There are more than twenty two thousand vineyards in Bordeaux covering about 280 thousand acres, which works out to somewhat less than 13 acres per vineyard. Approximately one half of the vineyards produce wine, and in total about 6000 properties produce and sell their own wine, while the rest sell their wine through cooperatives. Bordeaux boasts about 60 different wine appellations ranging from fair-to-middling to world class with plenty in between. Some Bordeaux wine classifications date back to 1855 and have barely changed since, except that Baron Rothschild was able to get his best wine promoted from Second Cru (second growth) to Premier Cru (First Growth). Those in the know say that his Chateau Lafitte definitely deserves this honor. We intend to review some fairly top-notch Bordeaux wines sooner or later. In the meantime the wine reviewed below is very affordable. Interestingly enough, its noble cousin, Chateau Petrus, crafted by the same producer with the same grape in the same area holds no prestigious classification. However, Chateau Petrus is definitely world class and comes with a price to match, if the wine merchant will even look at your money.

It may surprise you but Merlot is the most important Bordeaux red grape. Cabernet Sauvignon comes in a distant second. We'll talk about the remaining important Bordeaux red grape varieties elsewhere in this series. The major white grapes are Semillon and Sauvignon Blanc. Pomerol is a small, rural region of Bordeaux that produces only red wine. Its major grape varieties are Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Merlot.

Pomerol's main tourist attractions are the wine chateaux. You may be surprised but the world famous Chateau Petrus doesn't look all that great. The most attractive Chateaux are Chateau Nenin and Vieux Chateau Certan but even they are far from spectacular. As the famous phrase goes, you can't judge a book by its cover. Of course the Bordeaux region is brimming with sights to see which will be described in the appropriate articles.

Before reviewing the Bordeaux wine and imported cheeses that we were lucky enough to purchase at a local wine store and a local Italian food store, here are a few suggestions of what to eat with indigenous wines when touring this beautiful region. Start with Gravette Huitres (Oysters from the Arcachon Bay). For your second course savor Lamproie au Pomerol (Eels cooked in Red Wine and Chocolate). And as dessert indulge yourself with Cannelles de Bordeaux ("Portable Creme Brulee).

OUR WINE REVIEW POLICY All wines that we taste and review are purchased at the full retail price.

Wine Reviewed Moueix Merlot 2003 12.3% about $13.00

Let's start by quoting the marketing materials. No one knows Merlot better than Christian Moueix, owner of the world famous Chateau Petrus. Year after year, his wines define Merlot. Soft and round with aromas of raspberry, cedar and blueberry, this wine delivers ripe fruit, great balance and a medium long finish. It's magic with veal medallions and sauteed mushrooms, or baked pasta.

My first pairing was with turkey meatballs, potatoes, and sauteed vegetables in a moderately spicy tomato sauce. This wine was round and full-bodied. It was quite long with pleasant acidity but overpowered the meat. The Merlot's taste improved after I ate some potatoes. When I finished the glass after the meal, the wine was quite rich and I started tasting blackberries.

My next meal consisted of slow-cooked beef stew and potatoes with a somewhat spicy sauce and two rather spicy side salads. The wine was full-bodied and agreeably acidic, tasting of plums and black cherries. Once again I enjoyed finishing the glass after the meal. The spices were intensified. I can only imagine what its famous cousin, Chateau Petrus, would taste like but at forty times the cost (or more), I can only imagine.

The final meal included hamburgers, rice, cauliflower and red peppers in a tomato sauce. The sauce should have been enlivened by Harissa, a Moroccan hot pepper spice that turned out to be fairly weak. The Merlot tasted of dark fruits and tobacco with a bit of black pepper. The only downside was that the wine was not long.

As always, the cheese tastings came last. I started with a Palet de Chevre, which is a goat's milk cheese from the Poitou Charentes region of central-western France. Honestly, if I didn't know that it was a goat's milk cheese I never would have guessed. It simply looked and tasted like a slightly runny Camembert. The combination was almost OK, but deadened the wine's flavor somewhat. Cheese number two was a Gruyere from Switzerland. The wine bounced back in the Gruyere's presence, but frankly was too good for the cheese.

Final verdict. No doubt about it; I want this wine again. And should the day come that I'll buy its noble cousin, Chateau Petrus, I'll still be buying this wine.

Levi Reiss has authored, alone or with others, ten computer and Internet books, but to be honest, he would rather just drink fine French or other wine, accompanied by the right foods and the right people. He teaches various and sundry computer classes in an Ontario French-language community college. His main travel website is which links to his other web sites.Cathleen Blog35374
Beatrisa Blog48034

Tips To Create Good Domain Name

Domain name is an identity for a website. It is similar to fingerprint as identity for people. Two or more web sites can not share one same domain name. The domain name must be different at least different in the extension. The important for domain name is unique, memorable, simple, alphabet, extension, dash, global, sound, nature activity and intuition.

Good domain name criteria is it must be unique. It is not be similar to other popular domain name by adding one or more alphabets to it. The unique domain name must be different from others.

Good domain name is also must be memorable. People can remember it because it is unique. Therefore they will visit the web site again because they remember the web site name. It will attract more unique visitors to the website. Higher visitor means higher potential to sell product or service.

Shorter domain name means better domain name. It is easier to be remembered and written. The value is higher. Good domain normally has 10 or less alphabets. We observe most popular domain name have less than 10 alphabets. Longer domain name can cause the domain name is typed wrongly. As the result the actual wanted website can not be reached.

Good domain name is also normally having repeated alphabets. This will help the domain name become unique and more memorable. Most popular websites use this tip for their domain name.

Domain name with extension com is more popular and familiar compared to other extension. People who want to buy domain name normally prefer to use com extension as first choice. Only there is no com extension, they will search other extensions or other domain names. People also have tendency to type com if they forget the actual extension. In simple word domain name with com extension have highest value compared to other domain name extension.

Good domain name do not containing dash. Domain name with dash seems it is less interested compared domain name without dash. Domain name containing number also is seems less interested. We can observe the country and people name never use dash or number. Otherwise, it become something lack to the name.

Good domain name must appropriates with the business or activity operated. Good general domain name means it can be used for any kind of business and activity. Anyway it is better if the domain name match the business or activity operated. To practice business or activity differently or oppositely is not good even have a good domain name.

Good domain name must be global name. People can accept it as global name rather than local name only. It will attract more visitors to the website. However global name is not so important anymore if focus for local visitors only.

Good domain name must have good sound. It is easy to be called and spelt. People have tendency to visit the website that the domain name sound is good.

Above explanation are tips how to create domain names. Another important factor is we must believe our intuition. Normally our intuition is correct. If our intuition says the domain name is good, do not doubt and take it immediately before other people take it. To get good institution, we must always in positive life and mind.

Alias Bohari is founder of The website specializes to sell selective best domain name. You are invited to see the best domain name at Blog71868
Calypso Blog8733

8 Reasons Why You Know Youre Ready For A Career Change

8 Reasons Why You Know Youre Ready For A Career Change

1. Every morning you wake up thinking, Just X more days until the week-end.

2. On the way to work you have to psyche yourself into wanting to go to work.

3. Once you get to work, you begin to feel pressured and squeezed for time and you havent even clocked in yet.

4. As you begin to perform your tasks, your mind wanders, wondering if theres something better, more exciting, or more fulfilling out there.

5. When you leave work, youre already telling yourself the reasons why you must return tomorrow.

6. When you arrive home and your spouse asks, How was your day? You grunt and say, Same old stuff. Lets talk about something else.

7. Fridays paycheck arrives and as you read the dollar amount you instantly think, This job is so not worth this!

8. As you begin to pay your bills, you discover that once again youre robbing Peter to pay Paul, which in terms causes a bit of depression and you snap on the closest person to you, even though theres no reason to do so.

Yes, those are all true scenarios for people who desperately need to change careers. But change doesnt come easy. In fact, its pretty darn hard. It means stepping out of ones comfort zone, learning a new task, and asking your spouse to trust your decision. But its not impossible.

The best way to handle a career change is to take your time. In other words, dont quit your day job as soon as you realize its making you miserable; after all, you need that paycheck!

Take a step back to figure out why youre unhappy, and then take the steps necessary to figure out what would make you happy.

Once you know what will make you happy, take inventory of your skills, talents, and education. Can you start a new career doing what you love with what you currently possess or must you return to school?

If you must return to school, dont go with the first school that comes to mind; take the time to meet with an administrations counselor to learn more about the school, payment options, and job placement programs.

The Institute of Allied Medical Professions, also known as IAMP, has an established record for turning out some of the best medical students in the country. To learn more about IAMPs medical schools, our courses, or the industry visit our blog at or our main website at Aline Blog11381
Brigid Blog27601

Five Fundamentals of a Good Set-up

The more golf instruction sessions I do and the more golf tips I write, the more I'm convinced that a solid set-up is a critical fundamental. Without a good one no one, including the greatest golfer in the world, can play the game well. That's why I key on the set-up in introductory golf lessons. If you want to get the most from your swing, you need a good and settled set-up.

The discussion that follows will help you build a good set-up. While many of the tips in this article are reminders of advice you've probably heard previously, they will help you achieve consistency and accuracy in your swing, which is what we all want. Establishing a good set-up can help your golf handicap greatly.


A sound set-up starts with a solid grip. The way the hands are placed on the club determines a swing's shape and the clubface's direction at impact. That in turn dictates the direction of the ball. Use whichever grip (baseball, overlapping, or interlocking) feels the most comfortable yet allows you to make solid contact with the ball, as I tell those who take my golf lessons. But, like everything else in golf, it must be right for you.

How do you know when you have the right grip? Your grip is ideally suited to you when the tips of the fingers on the left hand (right-handers) just touch the fleshy pad of the palm. If they don't, try another grip or check the position of your hand. Either or both maybe the problem. It's the "trigger" position formed by the thumb and the forefinger of the right hand, however, that's really critical. Make sure you can "squeeze the trigger" with your grip. If you can't, there's something wrong. Also, when it comes to the overall grip, apply just enough pressure to provide a secure hold on the club while feeling the club's weight in your hands.


Posture is also critical to a solid set-up. The body angles created at address in your posture have an impact on the shape and quality of your swing. Keeping your balance throughout is crucial to hitting good shots and a direct result of good posture. Good balance stems from perfect weight distribution at address, essential to creating a solid base for your swing. To achieve good posture, stand up straight with your arms and club extended, then bend over from the waist while you lower the club. Once the club touches the ground, flex your knees slightly. That's good posture. Watch Ernie Els next time a tournament is on TV. He has nearly perfect posture despite having less than an ideal build for a golfer, as I've mentioned in my golf tips.

Stance and Ball Position

Your stance's width-the distance the feet are apart at address-is determined by the club used. A major component in a consistent set-up, the stance gets narrower as the clubs get higher. Widen the stance for a driver, and narrow the stance for a wedge. With the driver, make sure the heels are the same width apart as the shoulders. With the wedge, the feet should be close together. Somewhere in between lies the ideal stance for every other club in the bag. Trial and error will tell you what feels most comfortable, but it's imperative you find a stance the fits each club.

Ball position influences the clubhead's path at impact. That in turn determines initial shot direction. Many golfers vary ball position, depending on the club used. They move the ball back from just inside the left heel (right-handers) to the middle of the stance as the clubs get shorter. Others, like Jack Nicklaus and Greg Norman, maintain constant ball position, just inside the left heel, for every club. Again, it's a matter of comfort and personal choice. While varying the ball is more popular, I usually advise those attending my golf instruction sessions, to try both. Use whichever approach feels most comfortable and provides the best results.

Aim and Alignment

Good golfers constantly monitor their aim and alignment. The clubface must be aimed at the target and the body must be aligned with the clubface-known as perfect parallel alignment. Start by standing behind the ball and visualizing the shot. With a clear picture of the shot in mind, step to the ball. Pick out an immediate target, such as a leaf or divot mark, a club length or so in front of the ball along the target line. Aim the clubface over that point. Once you establish a square clubface, build your stance around it. Square your feet, hips, and shoulders to the clubface position. Check your alignment by laying a club down on the ground parallel to the target line in practice, something I have beginning students do in my golf lessons all the time. Your stance should be parallel to the club.

Triggering the Swing

Once in their set-up some players use a small movement to trigger their swings in motion. A "swing trigger" encourages a smooth takeaway and helps prevent jerky movements that could harm the swing. Swing triggers are different for each player. Gary Player kicks in his right knee. Arnold Palmer gives the club one final, aggressive waggle. Jack Nicklaus turns his head to the right slightly-Nick Faldo does the same. Try each of these swing triggers. If they don't work, try developing one of your own. It can make all the difference in the quality of your swing.

Copyright (c) 2006 Jack Moorehouse

Jack Moorehouse is the author of the best-selling book "How To Break 80 And Shoot Like The Pros." He is NOT a golf pro, rather a working man that has helped thousands of golfers from all seven continents lower their handicap immediately. He has a free weekly newsletter with the latest golf tips, golf lessons and golf instruction. Blog89376
Becka Blog26504

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